Image via WikipediaBusy day. It started with taking photos yesterday evening and so I was then up until 5:30 AM editing photos. I slept for a two hours and then headed over to Sam' Club to have all my photos processed. Once they are processed then I have to prepare them for presentation at the sales table at the theater. Sales tonight were fine, nothing great but there certainly seemed to be enough interest in them so I still have confidence this will all work out, especially since we have another four shows next weekend. Tomorrow night and Sunday afternoon the show will be a sell out. So that is always a good thing. Anyway, I'm really not looking forward to driving out to Olivia in the middle of a snowstorm, which I will be doing. As of this writing, the rain outside is turning to snow. The big wet heavy kind. The good thing is there isn't any wind so there shouldn't be any white out conditions. As I said today on Facebook, I've come to the conclusion the life is stressful enough without having to worry about snow, bitter cold and cloudy days.

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