Friday, February 18, 2011

One more thing....

Rosewood chess pieces, from the Dalbergia lati...Image via WikipediaIt is all the rage now to manage people out of fear. BIG MISTAKE don't ever do it. If you have to manage people with threats maybe you shouldn't be a manager because you are not good enough to properly motivate your sales force. John Pederson, one of my favorite sales managers used to say, "there's no secret to managing, you just treat people like people" which was John's way of saying you don't treat them like robots or numbers or chess pieces or crap for that matter. I remember when I worked for this photo company in Burnsville, the boss used to like to yell and scream. It made the staff nervous and caused them to make more mistakes when he was around. In fact when he wasn't around, it was an entirely different environment. People actually liked their jobs and did better when he was gone. Bottom line folks is nobody works well under fear. I know things have changed, there's a lot of pressure just to survive in business these days, but you still don't have to treat people like crap.
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