Thursday, February 24, 2011

What is out there?

Twins 7, White Sox 6Image by John McNab via FlickrI've always been good at sales in every job I've had. When I look back at all the jobs I've had recently, it's been a situation where the job became routine and one dimensional where I've had problems. I'm good at a lot of different things and I'm good at creating creative solutions to problems. All those years at the Red Star Tribune I made a career by coming up with new ideas to bring in revenue, selling the new idea making it work and then moving on to the next idea. Does anyone have an idea on what kind of career is out there where I can make good money, set my own hours and be free to create? Kinda sounds like photography doesn't it. But the key phrase is "make good money" which rules photography out as a full time job.
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