Friday, March 18, 2011

I work in a call center.

Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan waving from the...Image via WikipediaCall center work can be interesting and fun. It can also be full of routine. And in most cases, the pay level is low. As I've talked with fellow co-workers through this past year, I've been over and over impressed with the high caliber of the employees. The story I hear over and over again and again is how nearly all of us a few years back were making really good money at our jobs. Several were easily making over six figures. Then the economy went south and here we all are, grateful just to have a jobs working for 25 percent of what we once made. When will the economy come back? Who knows, right now I see no signs of a recovery when you consider all the red ink Washington is building up. But as the greatest modern day president, Ronald Reagan once said, While I take inspiration from the past, like most Americans, I live for the future.
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