Monday, March 21, 2011

Times like these...

National Baptist Evangelical Life and Soul Sav...Image via WikipediaIt always seems like when the war wagon heads out and we have a few natural disasters we hear the call from pastors and would be holy men that the world is coming to an end. This is nothing new, it's been going on for thousands of years. I remember a story from Pastor Leith Anderson of Wooddale Church. He hold me that his seminary professor had told about all the other pastors and theologian's from history who thought the world was going to end in their lifetime but then died before the world ended. But then, Anderson said his professor then when on to document why he thought Christ would return in his lifetime and he too died before that happened. I guess the point is, it's human nature to think Christ will return in your lifetime. I even think this from time to time. It's supposed to happen and it will happen. We all need to be ready for it to happen. But it is written, no one will know the hour and the date. Our job is just to get ready for his glorious return. Folks, in case Christ does come back tomorrow, get your house in order now. Repent and get right with God. Look at it this way, do you really want to take the chance on being wrong?
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