Image via WikipediaI have a full schedule this week. I may have one job interview but I have three free seminars I'm going to as well as a small photo shoot tomorrow night. Too bad I'm going to miss the opening night of my TV shows but then I guess that's why we record them. In my ongoing effort to improve myself, I've decided to join Toastmasters. It's something I've always wanted to do. I really could have used it way back when I first started my career. I used to get pretty freaked out whenever I had to speak in public. Especially at work because I keep thinking, here I am trying to speak in front of people who get paid to speak in front of people. We had to take a workshop at the Star Tribune and I was in a room with a bunch of seasoned sales reps. We all had to give a 30 second sales pitch in front of everyone when it suddenly dawned on me, "these guys aren't that good at it". From that point on, I immediately improved because I was confident to know that I wasn't any worse than they were. In fact I know I could do better. And I did. Once I had the confidence, I made myself available to more and more public speaking opportunities to the point where I actually got pretty good at it, and more importantly, didn't ever need to get all tied up in knots over it ever again. Attitude really is everything. It determines everything in your life so choose to have a good attitude. As my good friend Nadal says, "I try my best in every moment, WITH THE RIGHT ATTITUDE all the time."
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