Monday, September 26, 2011

Trying to teach old dogs new tricks.

(The Depression) The Single Men's Unemployed A...Image via WikipediaWith this round of unemployment almost in the books, it's time to share a few things I've learned. I have a better perspective on this because I have two unemployed friends who have been out of work just as long if not longer than me. I've asked both of the right from the start to join me in this adventure called unemployment. I've invited them to job fairs, networking meetings, free skill seminars, you name it. To this point, neither have taken me up on the opportunities I've presented them. They are still out of work. It's not that they don't want to be working, but I think their issues go deeper. They are both suffering from depression.

They may not want to admit it but anti-social behavior is usually the top sign of it. By anti-social I don't mean they are angry at everyone else, but they don't want to be around a lot of people. They don't feel up to it. I've told both of them about jobs that I've heard about. I've forwarded job opportunities to them via email. What I get back from them is well...excuses as to why they can't do this or that. It's sad but I've been there as well. When you lose a job for whatever the reason, it's a major hit to your self-esteem. It's very easy to sit around a feel sorry for yourself. It's very easy to take what others are offering the wrong way. As I said in my last post, "You are the problem, you're also the solution."  How you get people to realize that? I don't know. All I can do is stand behind them, encourage them and pray.

What do my days look like? Well since I've been out of work I've been going to as many free seminars and classes as I can. Classes on "Interviewing Skills", "Resume Writing", "Using Social Media" and classes on "Your Own Personal Brand" and "Using Social Media to Find a Job".  To name a few. I've also been attending Job Seeking Support and Networking meetings, going to job fairs, and attending regular business networking events.  I'm doing the obvious stuff too in terms of applying for jobs and going to interviews and writing followup thank you notes and cover letters. I'm also doing a few photography jobs on the side and trying to build an Internet marketing business. I've been doing all this while my friends having been doing ????  I now have a job and they still don't. So my advise to job seekers?  Stay busy, stay positive, stay the course and above all, praise God no matter what.

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