This is the worst it's been for me in terms of blogging. Sorry gang. Well Iam now back in the ranks of the unemployed. At my recent job you need to score a 85 to remain employed after 2 weeks of training. I scored an 81 so I'm done. The good news is I won an iPad the day before so that was pretty cool. Now what? I don't know.
We had a guest speaker at church who for 10 years lived under the 7th Ave bridge. She was a drug addict, she was shot twice, stabbed, beaten and repeatedly raped. So 15 years later, she's ready to get her docterate. How does this happen?
They allow God to enter their life and surrender to His will. In her case, rock bottom came when she woke up in an alley on a 115 degree day and someone had taken her shoes. At that point she finally asked God to take over and that has made all the difference.
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