Sunday, December 18, 2011

My DISH Network is down for the week.

English: North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck,...Image via WikipediaView from White Butte, North DakotaImage by J. Stephen Conn via FlickrBut that's okay, I can get by without TV a lot easier than I can get by without my computer.  That is kinda sad to say but it is what it is. Looks like it will be just me and my dog all week at the shack. Lynn left for North Dakota to help her mom. Doesn't sound like she is going to be in for a cold snap so she should be just fine. I'm reserved my dates for my photography seminars. Now I need to come up with some more content that is good enough for people to pay me. But then, if only one person signs up, I will then be considered a professional speaker.
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