Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Rain in Sunny Arizona?

Minnesota Snownami 2010Image by DavidErickson via FlickrTwo apple trees, coated in ice following an ic...Image via WikipediaIt is very unusual for us to have two days of rain. You can tell we aren't used to this as we've had nearly 200 car accidents due to people who don't know how to drive in the rain. Although it always seemed to happen in Minnesota where on the first snow there would be a bunch of accidents like people had forgotten how to drive in snow. 

From my years in Minnesota I can tell you that the front wheel vehicle has saved a lot of lives. When I was a freshman in college, I was driving home with my friend Mark Fransen in my Rambler car and I got into a skid. I was going all over the road and a semi-truck was coming at us in the next lane. I just managed to get control before we had a head on with a semi. It was an exciting time. An experience I don't wish to live through again.

Speaking of Minnesota weather, there were two experiences that stand out. In 1974 we had the "snow storm of the century" and I remember going outside to see houses covered up the roof. They had one little single lane plowed down main street with 8-10 ft high banks on either side. It was a very strange feeling, almost like living in a dream, not sure if I awake. 

The second thing I remember was being in a very bad ice storm. Minnesota doesn't usually get ice storms because they are far enough north were they just get snow.  It was a freak storm and it coated everything in six inches of ice. I literally had to take an ice pick and chop the ice from my car because a plastic scraper wouldn't work. It was a horrible experience as the ice caused trees and power lines to snap. This happened when I was going to college in Willmar, Minnesota.

On the positive side, just after we had fresh snow it would be sunny, very cold, but it was very beautiful and fresh outside. I loved time. We were deer hunting just after two feet of snow and I really loved it. It was just so beautiful outside. There's just something special about fresh snow and beautiful blue skies.

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