Image via WikipediaImage via WikipediaHas it been that long since my last post? Unbelievable! In the five years I've been doing this blog, I don't think I've even gone that long. Here's the skinny. If you follow this post, you know this is a creative outlet for me and I enjoy writing. It's a way for me to deal with the world and the things I see. Often times I've commented on how "attitude is everything" and the value of being positive. The truth be told, my attitude isn't where it needs to be. I feel like I've been living in a haze of depression where it seems I can do nothing right and everything always goes wrong to the point where I question if I should even try to get out of bed in the morning. I still have my crazy or creative ideas that come and go. I work on them part way and then quit because it will just be another in a long line of failures. I start a job and then want to quit before I get fired. I guess when you have a long line of failures, nobody believes in you and why should they when I don't believe in myself anymore. Even the things that should be positive for me is hard because I keep looking for ways to find more negative. Maybe I'm trying to find that rock bottom spot where things can't get any worse. I don't know any more...All I can look back on is a time when I had a great job and was a positive person, what made me a positive person? Well, for one thing, I had a boss that was so positive, that he made me positive and motivated to do my best. I had a job where people believed in me enough to let me run with an idea, knowing that I would turn it into a success. Maybe I'm not hanging around enough positive people? But even if I was, it really isn't their responsibility to motivate me. Motivation should come from inside of me and have nothing to do with anyone else. Problem is, I don't live on an island. I live in a real world that says I should be this or that and if I'm not this or that, I'm one big failure.
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