Thursday, May 27, 2010

By the way if you want to extend greetings, PLEASE click on the "comment" link below, I'd appreciate hearing from you.

By the way, I passed my test and I am now Google AdWords Certified.


  1. Hi Dan...Yes you have at least one person reading your blog! And that would be mua! I enjoyed your video entry. Very nice and meaningful. Thanks for that Dan. Take care and God's Blessings to you and Lynn!


  2. Hey Dan, Congrats on passing your exam! Just wanted to let you know I always enjoy catching up with what's happening with you and Lynn and what's on your mind through your blog. The video blog was great. Take care! as ever--Karen Archer

  3. Hi, so glad that you passed your exam. I am so proud of you and Lynn. Please email me your new address.
    Nancy G. and the rest of the Washington Gang.
