Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm coming up on four years here in Arizona

That's right sports fans, in a few weeks it will be my four year anniversary of me coming to live in the valley of the sun. Time sure goes by fast.  I do believe God wanted us to come here. That was confirmed for me when the very first church I attended. The sermon was on the following quote:

"God told Abram, leave your country, your family, and your father's home for a land that I will show you. " Genisis 12:1-4 

As I like to say, I don't believe in coincidence. Everything happens for a reason and is part of God's plan.
Now that I've been here for some time it's time to revisit what it is that I like about Arizona and how that list has changed from my first impressions.  Always looking for a reason to do a Top 10 List.
Top 10 Things I love about Arizona.
10. A very convenient location close to a lot of neat places like Vegas and San Diego.
 9. It's more of a conservative state than MN. I don't feel I have to be involved in politics any more.
 8. Everybody really is from someplace else. I like that this place is a melting pot. Now if we can just keep the people from California out of here.
 7. You can drive to the kind of weather you like. If I want winter I just drive 2 hours to Flagstaff
 6.  The right to bear arms. It's nice to live in a state where that right is written into the state constitution.
 5. The Grand Canyon is awesome. If you haven't seen it, you should.
 4.  The Beauty of the State. People think of the desert but we have great mountain areas.
 3.  Lots of tennis clubs. It's been so fun to be able to play tennis every week even if I do get hurt a lot.
 2.  No winter. As I've said before, life is stressful enough without having to put up with snow and cold and all the inconveniences it brings.
1.  Sunny Days. Almost every day is a sunny day. I can't tell you how much it lifts the spirit.

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