Friday, March 11, 2011

Hot shots and know it alls...

Photo of Dr. Robert Abbe, circa 1890s found in...Image via WikipediaI kinda had my fill today of people who think they know it all but don't. And why does it usually come from someone with a New York accent who won't let you get a word in edgewise? Midwesterners might be too polite for their own good but New Yorkers are much too arrogant for their own good. They always think the world revolves around New York and everywhere else is insignificant. I also had a marketing guy tell me what a failure I am at marketing my photo business and how he's so much better than me because he makes $250,000 a year. Well, you know what buddy, if you have to run around telling everyone how much you make for a living just to establish your superiority, you are not much of role model in my eyes. Here's some words to live by from me:  Rule 5: Beware of anyone who feels the need to tell you how much they make.
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