Image via WikipediaAs a photographer, the hardest part to doing wedding photography is finding that first brave wedding couple who is willing to be the first subjects of your first wedding. Surprisingly, it's not as hard as it sounds. Once friends and family know you are a photographer and you do good work, at some point somebody will ask you if you do weddings. Your answer should always be, "of course we do". Now I say "we" because in most cases, if you are the only photographer, you'll need an assistant. Because you are new to weddings you will be doing a budget wedding. No matter how good you are, nobody's going to pay a rookie big money to shoot their wedding. By budget weddings I'm talking about weddings under $1200. If its your first wedding, consider yourself lucky if you can get $500 and don't be surprised if they ask you to do it at cost. In either case getting your first wedding under your belt is all that matters because you now have something to show potential customers and you can put up a wedding website with photos as well. To get future customers your focus should be on referrals and networking. If you can find a small inexpensive wedding fair to go to, do it. Just starting out don't waist your money on expensive wedding magazines or stadium/convention center bridal shows. Also get to know all the vendors at each wedding you work, they can be a great source for leads as long as you are willing to share your leads with them too. Keep networking and you will be doing more and more weddings. As your skill level increases, so should your prices. One more tip, never do a wedding without a contract. Everything should be in writing. Check out my photography business site. Either of these web addresses work. or

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