Saturday, November 26, 2011

Movie Review: "Real Steel"

Real Steel - Comic-Con 2011 - July 21, 2011Image by starbright31 via FlickrCover of "Rocky"Cover of RockyCover of "The Champ"Cover of The ChampOnce again, I went with some folks to a movie. I didn't really know what the movie was so I had zero expectations. It was a very good movie. Very enjoyable. I'm mean really, what's not to like. You got boxing robots, a cute kid, a handsome leading man and a beautiful leading lady.  If I were to give you a short review, it's like the boxing movie "The Champ" meets "Rocky".  Although not quite the tear jerker of "The Champ" nor the emotional involvement of two robots fighting, unlike "Rocky". But it was good. I can't really say this qualifies as a boxing movie but it's as close as you can get with robots in the near future. All in all, I would give this movie four thumbs up out of six.
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