Question 1:
What thought am I going lead with as I take my first step out of bed?
My husband often shares a teaching from his grandfather, who was a very wise person and a medicine man. His grandpa told him to be very aware of how he stepped into a new day, by taking a moment before rising from bed to focus on a positive and uplifting thought. Then to step slowly and purposefully on the ground to set that thought into motion.
Which thought do you start your day with?
“I have to pee.”
“Oh man, I really dread going to work this morning.”
“How in the world am I going to pay my bills?”
Try replacing it with a more inspiring one, like:
“Today, I will truly be of service to my clients.”
“I am planting seeds today that will build my business into a strong and enduring source of value.”
“I will create a thing of beauty today.”
Question 2:
What do I want to create this year that will be a proud addition to my lifelong body of work?
Is it a book? A new program? An adventure with your spouse and kids? An important volunteer effort that will make a lasting difference in your community?
Sort through the big list of “things to accomplish” for the year, and pull out the ones that you will be truly proud to create. Highlight them in your plans, and make sure that you make it a priority to get them finished by year-end.
Question 3:
What values do I need to activate to help me meet my goals this year?
My 6-year old son Josh went to Boy Scout Winter camp last week. One of the activities he participated in was to choose three values that he resonated with most. He chose “Positive Attitude,” “Perseverance” and “Courage.”
I was so excited about these values that I adopted them for 2012.
“Positive Attitude” means I am going to be extra vigilant of my thoughts, so that I do not get distracted by unimportant tasks, or nagging doubts.
“Perseverance” means I am going to work with my team to build a truly strong and supportive business structure so I can deeply serve my clients. I know this will be challenging, so I have to stick with the work, even if it is tedious or uncomfortable at times.
“Courage” means I will step into new situations, business opportunities and creative projects with the heart of a warrior. I will get my new book done, and it will be great. I will pursue new and different ways to expand the Escape from Cubicle Nation brand. I will work with my fears, not be defeated by them.
Choose your own value “activators,” and use them when you hit rough spots or challenges.
Question 4:
How will I define success this year?
It is very important to personalize your vision of success. Create a definition that not only includes financial targets like “earn $75,000,” but qualitative targets like “laugh often during the day” or “enjoy my work while I am doing it.”
For some more background on creating your own vision of success, check out this post:
Our killer year
2012 will be a great year, because we will MAKE it that way.
This clean slate ahead of us is the chance to do things differently, and get different results.
I believe in you. I believe in me. I believe in us.
Let’s do this!
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