Saturday, July 12, 2014

What goes down must go up.

I left this blog because it seems all my family moved over to Facebook.  It has been a good thing because I've connected with far more people through Facebook than I ever did with my blog. However, I find Facebook very limiting. Sometime I want to say more than just a few lines. Sometimes I want to be free to say exactly what I mean. I think a blog is a better format for me.

I'm going to start blogging again but I'm just not going to tell anyone about it. This blog has certainly pissed off a lot of family member through the years. I've been accused of "telling everything" about my life in this blog.  That has never once been the case. There are certain personal things and items I'll never discuss in public.  And I haven't but the impression is out there by my family that that is happening. 

Granted, there are certain dangers about being a "public person" but I think I have it under control so as not to endanger anyone. The thing I am worried about is this wave of political correctness sweeping the country were people want to destroy you if you don't think a certain way.

I've had to block two people on Facebook because they were a threat to my business. Those crazy people are out there. I wish it weren't the case but you can never be too careful about what you say online. It can always come back to bite you.

So what am I doing here. Well, like I said, this post will be out there and if someone reads it and likes it,  great. If not screw you. If you don't like it, don't read it, move on.

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