Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A new feature...political endorsements!!

I was just thinking, this is my blog so I can do what I want and I've decided from time to time to do political endorsements!! Sounds exciting I know. As this political season moves forward it's important to get involved. Since I used to be a political consultant and political columnist, what better format to express my views. To be fair I have to say in most cases I'll come down on the conservative side. However, there is a topic where I'm not conservative.

That topic is public financing of sports stadiums. First off, there really isn't any solid logical reasons why government should be involved in building sports stadiums. Now that being said, it seems like if the government does not get involved, 95 percent of the time, it never happens. Secondly, you have to ask yourself, "are we better off as a community having professional sports in our town?" If the answer is "yes", then you do what you need to do. If the answer is "no" then you risk losing your professional sports franchise and will spend ten times what you would have to get them back. If that's what the community wants, fine. It really is very simple.

I knew a state rep (Tony K) who once told me (and he was serious) "Let the Twins leave, we don't need them, we have the Saints." That statement still amazes me to this day. What an idiotic statement! Which brings us to the question of the day, do you want the Vikings to leave Minnesota?

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