Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Got my OHS Class Reunion book today.

National Lampoon's Class ReunionImage via Wikipedia
Good to see what everyone is up to. I still don't get it. Why would people who live in and around Olivia, not go to the class reunion?  I can certainly understand missing a time or two but we have people that live in the area who NEVER go to the reunion. I don't get it. Do they still think we are the same jerks as we were in high school? Apparently so. Every five years we've had a reunion and I'd have to say the first one or two were very much like in high school with everyone sitting next to their best buddies in the same old high school click. But as we got older and matured, it seems like those clicks finally disappeared. I remember sitting at a table with some folks who you would never ever see sitting together in high school. As we grow older, we tend to be more forgiving and friendly letting the past stay in the past. However, I will say, not many, but some folks from high school ARE still jerks and will always be jerks. But that's just life.
One of my classmates (he'd dead now, God Rest his Soul) was someone I always thought was a big jerk in high school. But when we were out of school, I would run into him from time to time and he couldn't have been more nice and friendly to me. So that was cool. Bottom line, for me, it all comes down to respect. Respect that is something that is earned and not to be given away foolishly.
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