Image via WikipediaThis Friday and Saturday I'm having a booth at the Arizona Thespian Festival. It's a place where theatre teachers and high school students go to perform as a troop so they can be scouted by the college drama coaches for scholarship potential It is also a great chance for me to talk to drama teachers from around the state. In order to get a discount on my booth space I am going to be a presenter and I will be talking on "20 Ways to Promote Your Show on a Shoestring Budget". I'm going to take a chance here. To keep it from getting boring and to fill the time, I'm going to have two mimes do the interpreting of what I have to say. It could be great or it could bomb. In either case it should be memorable. I tend to think it will be a success because creative theatre people should love it. It is my hope that I can land a few more high schools to my list. I'd like to get some work in Tuscon and Flagstaff. I have to only take work that is close to a Sam's Club since that is were I do my printing. I'm starting to lean more more to seeing if I can get other photographer involved. I hate to do it but there is only one of me. Why get others involved? Well, since it is only a five month busy period we are talking about, we might as well do our our best to have the biggest five months possible. If that means adding more staff, I will probably have to do it. Of course, the hard part is having to fund each show before I even take in one dime .

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