Thursday, February 10, 2011

25 Years Ago Today....An Amazing Thing Happened

As you know, I don't really like how people use the word amazing all the time. When I think of amazing I think of awe and wonder and amazement at what God has provided.  25 years ago, God gave us our first born baby girl,...Kathryn Jayne Rosenberg.  It took years for us to conceive so we really did think of her as our little miracle. I remember, Lynn was a few day over due so Dr. Jan looked at us and said "let's have a baby." So the next day Lynn was induced and we waited and waited and nothing happened. So Dr. Jan came by and said we'll have to try tomorrow and Lynn could have something to eat. Well shortly after eating her water broke and we knew this was it. It was a late evening. I remember holding the puke bucket for Lynn as she threw up her dinner during David Letterman (he has that same effect on me too).  And still we waited and waited. Around 4:00 AM all sorts of things started happening with nurses coming in and out with all kinds of equipment and then a few minutes later, Kathryn Jayne was born. To dress up the name we put a "Y" in both of her names to keep things consistent. Also, we thought it was important to have a name she could be flexible with later in life. To members of her family and close friends she will always be "Katie". Now that that she's a young adult she likes the professional name of "Kate" which is exactly why we chose a flexible name.  For a first baby we really lucked out. She was a wonderful easy going baby to take care of. So today our first born is 25. Happy Birthday Katie. We love you.

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